BLEEP ELVES (Core team version)
An electronic music night for music producers & electronic musicians to connect & play
🕰 Dec 17th, 6 - 9.30pm
📍 Open Source Arts, Leeds
Please note this is a closed group by invitation of the core family (Angela, Lee & Neeta).
We'd love this to develop into an inspiring collective of regulars and allow everyone invited to invite people too, but whilst we're still estabolishing ourselves and the night, we're keeping numbers low & vibes high. Can't wait for the next!
6 - 7.15pm: Improv Games/Structured Jam
7.30 - 9pm: Free Jam
9pm: Packdown

Love & Bleeps,
Angela, Lee, Neeta & Phil
Meeting Minutes
🎹 A monthly Sunday meet specifically aimed at music producers & electronic musicians to connect and play. Musicians and players are welcome, but it must be within the realm of electronics.
🎵 The first half will be structured, consisting of improvised games/exercises to break ice, warm up and challenge ourselves. The second half will be a free jam
🔌 Number of jammers will be limited to 7/8 plugged in at one time (or however many fit round the table) - but more are welcome to join the space. We hope people will love it and it will grow into a community of regulars, but to prevent it from descending into sonic choas, there will be a cap of slots. When there's more people than slots, then we operate a dip in and out situation like an open mic, respectful of one and other so everyone gets a chance to play/appreciate the vibes.
🙏 By Invitation only of the core group for now (Angela, Lee, Neeta)
🎥 Film & Record the jams (Phil has a Mac M1 Mini & Focusrite). The stems will be made available for fair use for people use in their projects or to mix the session. Credits to contributors if you use any stems though please
👯 ‘Open Day' Jam in February where an audience will be allowed to come and enjoy the music from the cafe.
🤓 We hope this will develop into an inspiring collective of regulars, and each month would ask if a few people could volunteer to run the night meaning:
Turning up a few hours before to set up the space
Bringing and sharing their gear (so we get to experience each others styles, share the load of the prep work, and inspire others to just turn up and play if they wanted)
Preparing Improv games